Looking to start a career in civil-engineering? Check this page regularly for up-to-date information on current and upcoming job openings with Hancock Engineering.
Looking to start a career in civil-engineering? Check this page regularly for up-to-date information on current and upcoming job openings with Hancock Engineering.

Below is a list of positions that are currently open at Hancock Engineering. Please contact us for more information, or to inquire about an open position.
Hancock Engineering – Westchester, IL
Hancock Engineering Company is a well-established civil engineering firm that provides engineering services to numerous municipalities and private clients in the Chicagoland area. Our engineering services encompass a variety of infrastructure improvements including water distribution, storm and sanitary sewer improvements, roadway improvements, roadway lighting, and stormwater management. We are involved in all aspects of a project including planning and budgeting, design and preparation of bidding documents, and monitoring and documenting the construction of the project.
Our management team consists of energetic, aggressive engineers that strive to implement our established set of Guiding Principles:
- Service to Clients is First
- Create and Maintain Long-Term Relationships
- Sustainable Growth
- Providing a Challenging and Rewarding Work Experience.
- Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from an accredited 4-year college or university
- Completed E.I.T. certification preferred (or ability to obtain in first 6 months of employment)
- Strong written and oral communication skills
- Computer software knowledge including Microsoft Office and AutoCAD
Description of Position
Our immediate need is for recently graduated civil engineers to work in the field to oversee the construction of various projects before transitioning to design engineering work. Work tasks include:
- Construction layout and staking
- Inspection of constructed work
- Tabulation of material quantities
- Documentation of constructed work
- Response to resident inquiries
- Reports to municipal clients
The successful candidate will work independently under the supervision of the project manager. Opportunity exists for advancement to a position as a Project Engineer responsible for all phases of a project from design through construction.
We offer exceptional benefits with every full-time position. We provide health, dental, vision and long-term disability insurance at 100% coverage at start of employment, with no cost to the employee. Vacation begins at 10 days per year after the first year of employment and increases to 15 days per year after 5 years of employment. Our pension plan and 401 (k) plan are both self-directed, which allows employees to select individual investment strategies. We also provide reimbursement for the use of private vehicles during working hours.
Please send letters of interest and resumes to the following address.
Chris Baker, PE
Director of Business Development
Edwin Hancock Engineering Company
9933 Roosevelt Road
Westchester, Illinois 60154
[email protected]
Hancock Engineering – Westchester, IL
Hancock Engineering Company is a well-established civil engineering firm that provides engineering services to numerous municipalities in the Chicagoland area. Our engineering services encompass a variety of infrastructure improvements including water distribution, storm and sanitary sewer improvements, roadway improvements, roadway lighting, and stormwater management. We are involved in all aspects of a project including planning and budgeting, design and preparation of bidding documents, and monitoring and documenting the construction of the project.
Our management team consists of energetic, aggressive engineers that strive to implement our established set of Guiding Principles:
- Service to Clients is First
- Create and Maintain Long-Term Relationships
- Sustainable Growth
- Providing a Challenging and Rewarding Work Experience.
- Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from an accredited 4-year college or university
- Completed P.E. certification preferred
- 5-10 Years of Experience as Resident Engineer or Construction Engineer in the municipal engineering field
- Certified in IDOT Documentation
- Strong written and oral communication skills
- Computer software knowledge including ICORS, Microsoft Office and AutoCAD
Description of Position
Work tasks will include:
- Inspection of various-funded municipal engineering improvement projects
- a. Timely coordination with residents, businesses, and other affected stakeholders along construction project
- b. Review of Contractor’s dynamic construction schedule
- c. Designing minor plan changes while in the field
- d. Draft and prepare construction notification letters
- e. Maintain a project diary and daily inspection log following IDOT general requirements.
- Construction Documentation
- a. Keep track of all quantities related to each pay item.
- b. Perform yield checks on all materials.
- c. Establish and maintain schedule for progress payments.
- d. Develop and verify payment requests.
- e. Assure all documentation substantially follows IDOT standards.
- f. Inspect the construction for conformance with plans
- Coordination with Utility Companies
- Schedule, lead, and prepare minutes for pre-construction meetings
- Coordinate projects with the business districts, park district, schools, etc
- Coordinate with all permit agencies as necessary (e.g. MWRD & IDOT)
- Construction layout and staking
- Utilizing one-man and two-man total stations to acquire topographic data
The successful candidate will work independently under the supervision of the project manager on a multitude of municipal project types, including, but not limited to:
- Federally-Funded STP and LAFOs
- Locally funded transportation improvements
- IEPA Low-Interest Utility Improvements
- MFT-Funded Transportation Improvements
Opportunity exists for advancement to a position as a Project Manager responsible for all phases of a project from design through construction.
We offer exceptional benefits with every full-time position. We provide health, dental, vision and long-term disability insurance at 100% coverage at start of employment, with no cost to the employee. Other benefits include continuing education, gym membership, etc.
Please send letters of interest and resumes to the following address.
Chris Baker, PE
Director of Business Development
Edwin Hancock Engineering Company
9933 Roosevelt Road
Westchester, Illinois 60154
[email protected]
Hancock Engineering – Westchester, IL
Hancock Engineering Company is a well-established civil engineering firm that provides engineering services to numerous municipalities in the Chicagoland area. Our engineering services encompass a variety of infrastructure improvements including water distribution, storm and sanitary sewer improvements, roadway improvements, roadway lighting, and stormwater management. We are involved in all aspects of a project including planning and budgeting, design and preparation of bidding documents, and monitoring and documenting the construction of the project.
Our management team consists of energetic, aggressive engineers that strive to implement our established set of Guiding Principles:
- Service to Clients is First
- Create and Maintain Long-Term Relationships
- Sustainable Growth
- Providing a Challenging and Rewarding Work Experience.
- Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from an accredited 4-year college or university
- Completed P.E. certification preferred
- 5-10 Years of Experience as Design Engineer in the municipal engineering field
- Active participation in the submittal of a minimum of three (3) Professional Development Reports for Federally Funded projects
- Strong written and oral communication skills
- Computer software knowledge including ICORS, Microsoft Office and AutoCAD
Description of Position
Work tasks will include:
- Completion of IDOT Form BLR 22210 and accompanying forms, including:
- a. Existing and proposed cross-sections
- b. Pavement Designs
- c. Preliminary roadway and drainage design
- d. Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate
- e. ADA Ramp Design
- f. Maintenance of Traffic and Staging Plans
- g. Crash Diagrams
Applicant will need to have the following:
- Understanding of 3R Design Guidelines
- Understanding of BLRS 27-7 (Variances) and ability to complete BLR22120.
- Understanding of BLRS Chapter 41 (accommodations for pedestrians, bicyclists, and handicapped).
- Ability to analyze Crash Data and determine how past activity will affect future design
- Understanding of IDOT’s ROW and Easement acquisition process
- Understanding of IDOT’s Environmental Survey process
- Understanding of IDOT’s Complete Streets requirements
- Understanding of IDOT’s Public Involvement requirements and ability to lead or assist with public meetings.
In addition to Phase I Reports, the successful candidate will work independently under the supervision of a project manager on a multitude of municipal design project types, including, but not limited to:
- Federally-Funded STP and LAFOs
- Locally funded transportation improvements
- IEPA Low-Interest Utility Improvements
- MFT-Funded Transportation Improvements
Opportunity exists for advancement to a position as a Project Manager responsible for all phases of a project from design through construction.
We offer exceptional benefits with every full-time position. We provide health, dental, vision and long-term disability insurance at 100% coverage at start of employment, with no cost to the employee. Other benefits include continuing education, gym membership, etc.
Please send letters of interest and resumes to the following address.
Chris Baker, PE
Director of Business Development
Edwin Hancock Engineering Company
9933 Roosevelt Road
Westchester, Illinois 60154
[email protected]